A nearby wheel will raise the water level so that you can possess a fish and swim through an open grate straight into the institute and into the kitchen. Alternatively, those with Possession should look at the fountain out front.

To bypass this guard, you can look for an open window just to the side of the entrance that you can Blink/Reach too. Heading back up to the main entrance, there are two main doors - the right side will have a patrolling guard, while there are two more guards just inside talking, before one moves off to patrol the other entrance. If you are looking for more loot, note the wrecked ship just off to the side of the railway, and jump down into the water to investigate, where you can find some coin, ammo, and a red shoulder route (50g) inside the boat. To get there, look for a bit of broken railing for a pipe below, then go under the platform to find it in an old rowboat. Bonecharm #1 - As you get your bearings, pull out the Heart to locate a Bonecharm just below the carriage.