Go to Finder and open up your applications folder. Step 1: Use Finder to Open Applications Folder Now it's time to move apps over to your new drive and clear off your internal system space. As long as it's USB 3.0 and has a fast drive speed, you should be good to go. Of course, you don't have to stick with a G-DRIVE. And if your Mac supports it, make sure you get USB 3.0 drives, because the speed difference is amazing. For lighter users, you may want to save a couple bucks and get a 500GB drive. Video exports can pile up quickly when working with HD content, so getting the biggest drive possible for me is a necessity. Of course, there are many options for choosing a drive, including a few from Apple themselves. You have options on external drive sizes, and the size necessary for you directly reflects the amount of space you require for the tasks you complete on your setup.